Le Grand Concours 2003
Minnesota Participating Schools
Albrook High School Apple Valley High School
Armstrong High School Benilde-St. Margarets HS
Blake School Breck School
Buffalo High School Carl Sandburg Middle School
Centennial High School St. Paul CentralHS
Como Park Senior HS Cooper High School
Cotton High School Duluth East HS
Edina High School Harding High School
Highland Park HS International School of MN
Lake Country School Duluth Marshall HS
Duluth Marshall MS Minnehaha Academy
Minnetonka High School Mounds Park Academy
Providence Academy Ramsey Junior HS-St. Paul
Shattuck-St. Marys School St. Paul Academy-Summit School
Tower-Soudan High School Twin Cities Academy
Visitation High School Woodland MS, Duluth
1,453 Minnesota students registered
32 schools 52 teachers
Contest numbers scored:
FLES 134
Level 01A 57, Level 01B 25
Level 1A 239, Level 1B 105, Level 1C 4, Level 1E 9
Level 2A 179, Level 2B 88, Level 2E 15
Level 3A 216, Level 3C 5, Level 3E 14
Level 4A 143, Level 4C 19, Level 4D 5, Level 4E 15
Level 5A 50, Level 5C 34, Level 5D 1, Level 5E 5
55 National Winners in Levels 01 - 5
[ ranks 1-10 or 80% correct in A-B-C ranks 1-3 or 70% correct in D-E ]
2nd Place MN, 10th Place National* Shattuck-St. Marys, Amine Bekhechi
3rd Place MN, 11th Place National* Woodland MS-Duluth, Kirsten Nisswandt
4th Place MN* Duluth Marshall MS, Linda Herron
5th Place MN* Benilde-St. Margarets, Emily Benidt
6th Place MN Duluth Marshall MS, Linda Herron
8th Place MN 4 students 1 Int School of MN E. Athwal 3 Duluth Marshall MS, Linda Herron
9th Place MN International School of Minnesota, Elena Athwal
10th Place MN Duluth Marshall MS, Linda Herron
Level 01A is for seventh and eighth grade students who began French in the Fall of the current year;
those with up to one year of FLES experience are also included.
4th Place MN *
5th Place MN *
6th Place MN *
7th Place MN
8th Place MN
10th Place MN All 01B students = Mounds Park Academy. Jim Long
Level 01B is for seventh and eighth grade students who have had more than one year of FLES instruction, or have a French-speaking
parent, or have attended a French school for up to 4 semesters, or have lived in a French-speaking community for 1 to 3 years, or
have spent 2 or more successive Summers in a French-speaking area. They are ranked the same as Level 01A.
1st Place MN 8th Place National** Blake School, Silvana Dessi-Olive
2nd Place MN 11th Place National* Duluth Marshall MS, Linda Herron
3rd Place MN * 2 students Duluth Marshall MS, Linda Herron
4th Place MN 3 students Visitation HS, Karen Shimek Ramsey Jr HS, Carolin Faytle Blake School, S. Dessi-Olive
5th Place MN * 4 students 2 Duluth Marshall MS, Linda Herron 2 Carl Sandburg MS, Judy Vosepka
6th Place MN * 3 students Marshall MS, L. Herron C. Sandburg MS, J. Vosepka Shattuck-StMarys, A. Bekhechi
7th Place, MN * Shattuck-St. Marys School, Amine Bekhechi
8th Place MN 6 students Visitation HS, J. Brown Twin Cities Academy, A. Wolff Minnehaha Academy, J. Werner
Blake School, S. Dessi-Olive Ramsey Jr HS, C. Faytle Marshall MS, L. Herron
9th Place MN 5 students Blake School, S. Dessi-Olive Breck School, P. Wesley Cooper HS, K. Christensen
Visitation HS, Karen Shimek Visitation HS, Joan Brown
10th Place MN 2 students C. Sandburg MS, J. Vosepka Visitation HS, Karen Shimek
Level 1A students are earning High School credit this school year for French 1. They have no special additional background in French.
1st Place Minnesota, 4th Place National** Mounds Park Academy, Joan Munzner
2nd Place Minnesota, 8th Place National** International School of Minnesota, Sophie Perrin
3rd Place MN, 9th PlaceNational** 2 students -both Breck School, Pam Wesely
4th Place Minnesota, 10th Place National** Mounds Park Academy, Joan Munzner
5th Place Minnesota* 2 students Ramsey Jr HS, Carolin Faytle Mounds Park Academy, Joan Munzner
6th Place Minnesota* 6 students 2 Intl School of MN , Sophie Perrin 4 Mounds Pk Academy, Joan Munzner
7th Place Minnesota* 2 students Mounds Park Acad, Joan Munzner Intl School of MN, Sophie Perrin
8th Place Minnesota* International School of Minnesota, Sophie Perrin
9th Place Minnesota 2 students Breck School, Pam Wesley Mounds Park Academy, Joan Munzner
10th Place Minnesota 2 students Benilde-St. Margarets, Emily Benidt Mounds Park Acad, Joan Munzner
Level 1B students are earning High School credit this school year for French 1. They have a French-speaking parent, or have attended
a French school for up to 4 semesters, or have lived in a French-speaking community for 1 to 3 years, or have spent 2 or more
successive Summers in a French-speaking area. They are ranked the same as Level 1A.
2nd Place Minnesota, 7th Place National** International School of Minnesota, Sophie Perrin
3rd Place Minnesota, 9th Place National ** International School of Minnesota, Sophie Perrin
8th Place Minnesota* Breck School, Pam Wesley
Division 1 C students have studied for two years or more at a school where French was the language of instruction, or are native speakers of French, or Foreign Exchange students, or have other advantageous background. They are ranked the same as Division A.
1st Place MN Buffalo High School, Jennifer Johnson
2nd Place MN Buffalo High School, Jennifer Johnson
3rd Place MN Centennial High School, Barbara Montgomery
4th Place MN Buffalo High School, Jennifer Johnson
5th Place MN Buffalo High School, Jennifer Johnson
5th Place MN Centennial High School, Barbara Montgomery
Division 1 E students are in Block or Modular scheduling and will earn credit for two levels of High School French in one year. They must take the test at the higher level. They are ranked separately from Divisions A-B-C.
1st Place MN, 3rd Place National** Marshall High School, Martha Firling
2nd Place MN, 5th Place National** Shattuck-St. Marys School, Amine Bekhechi
3rd Place MN, 7th Place National** 2 students Marshall HS, Martha Firling Minnehaha Academy, Mark Norlander
4th Place MN, 9th Place National** Minnehaha Academy, Mark Norlander
5th Place MN, 10th Place National* Cooper High School, Kari Christensen
6th Place MN, 11th Place National* 5 students Minnehaha Acad , Mary Norlander Marshall HS, Martha Firling
2 Shattuck-StMarys, Amine Bekhechi C.Sandburg MS, J. Vosepka
7th Place MN * 2 students Marshall HS, M. Firling C.Sandburg MS, J. Vosepka
8th Place MN * 2 students Marshall HS, M. Firling C. Sandburg MS, J. Vosepka
9th Place MN * 2 students Shattuck-StMarys, A. Bekhechi St. Paul Academy-Summit, Patricia Teefy
10th Place MN * 2 students Harding HS, Daniel Cornell C.Sandburg MS, J. Vosepka
11th Place MN * 2 students Shattuck-StMarys, A. Bekhechi Visitation HS, Karen Shimek
12th Place MN * 4 students St. Paul Acad-Summit, P. Teefy 2 C.Sandburg MS, J. Vosepka Marshall HS, M. Firling
Level 2A students are earning High School credit for French 2 this academic year.
Level 2B
2nd Place MN, 5th Place National ** Minnetonka High School, Beth Alto
3rd Place MN, 6th Place National ** Minnetonka High School, Beth Alto
10th Place MN * Minnetonka High School, Beth Alto
11th Place MN * Minnetonka High School, Beth Alto
12th Place MN * 3 students all = Minnetonka High School, Beth Alto
Division 2B students have additional background in French .They are ranked the same as Division A students.
1st Place MN Highland Park High School, Kathleen Stoddart
2nd Place MN 2 students Centennial HS, Scott Swedin Buffalo High School, Jennifer Johnson
3rd Place MN 2 students both Buffalo High School, Jennifer Johnson
4th Place MN Buffalo High School, Jennifer Johnson
5th Place MN Buffalo High School, Jennifer Johnson
6th Place MN Buffalo High School, Jennifer Johnson
7th Place MN 2 students Buffalo HS, Jennifer Johnson Centennial HS, Scott Swedin
Division 2E students are in Block or Modular scheduling and are not currently receiving French instruction, or only began their
French Block with the 2nd semester. Ranked separately from Divisions A-B-C.
1st Place MN, 3rd Place National** Marshall HS, Duluth, Marths Firling
2nd Place MN, 4th Place National** Shattuck-St.Marys School, Amine Bekhechi
3rd Place MN, 5th Place National** Marshall HS, Duluth, Martha Firling
4th Place MN, 6th Place National** Marshall HS, Duluth, Martha Firling
5th Place MN **- St. Paul Central HS, Jeanne Comeford
6th Place MN, 9th Place National** 2 students Shattuck-StMarys, A. Bekhechi
Marshall HS, Duluth, Martha Firling
6th Place MN **- St. Paul Central HS, Jeanne Comeford
7th Place MN, 10th Place National+ Marshall HS, Duluth, Martha Firling
8th Place MN, 11th Place National* Cooper High School, Kari Christensen
9th Place MN * Cooper High School, Kari Christensen
10th Place MN * 3 students Cooper HS, Kari Christensen Cooper HS, K. Lahouze Como Pk HS, S. Susens
11th Place MN * Marshall HS, Duluth, M. Firling Minnetonka HS, Pat Choffrut
12th Place MN * 5 students 2 Minnetonka HS, Pat Choffrut Edina HS, Kimberly Caster
2 Marshall HS, Duluth, Martha Firling
13th Place MN * 5 students Intl School of MN,R. Fraisse Intl School of MN, R. Fraisse
Marshall HS, M. Firling Edina HS, Kimberly Caster Visitation HS, Karen Shimek
14th Place MN * 3 students Cooper HS, K. Christensen Minnetonka HS, P. Choffrut
St Paul Central HS, J. Comeford
**- entry too late for national rankings
Level 3A students are earning High School credit this school year for French 3. They have no special additional background in French.
7th Place MN, 11th Place National** International School of Minnesota, Raphael Fraisse
8th Place MN * Benilde-St. Margarets, Emily Benidt
Division 3 C students have studied for two years or more at a school where French was the language of instruction, or are Native-speakers
of French, or Foreign Exchange students, or have other advantageous background. They are ranked the same as Division A.
1st Place MN Armstrong High School, Pat Deckas-Becerra
2nd Place MN Armstrong High School, Pat Deckas-Becerra
3rd Place MN Armstrong High School, Pat Deckas-Becerra
Division 3 E students are in Block or Modular scheduling and have either completed their French block and are not currently receiving
instruction in French, or only began their French Block with the second semester. They are ranked separately from Divisions A-B-C.
1st Place MN, 11th Place National* Edina High School, Kimberly Caster SPA-Summit, Kristin Flom
2nd Place MN * 2 students Edina High School, Kimberly Caster Cooper HS, Kathleen Lahouze
3rd Place MN * 2 students Cooper HS, Kathleen Lahouze Benilde-St.Margarets, Sue Cipolle
4th Place MN * 3 students 2 SPA-Summit, Kristin Flom Cooper HS, Kathleen Lahouze
5th Place MN* 4 students Mounds Park Academy, Joan Shrum 2 Como Pk SrHS, Nancy Solo-Taylor
Visitation HS, Joan Brown
6th Place MN * 3 students Visitation HS, Joan Brown Minnetonka HS, H. Anthamatten
Como Pk Sr HS, N. Solo-Taylor
7th Place MN * 3 students 2 Minnetonka HS, H. Anthamatten East HS, K. Nisswandt
8th Place MN 2 students Edina High School, Kimberly Caster St. Paul Academy-Summit, Kristin Flom
9th Place MN 4 students Edina High School, Kimberly Caster Harding High School, Daniel Cornell
2 Minnetonka High School, Hilary Anthamatten
10th Place MN St. Paul Academy-Summit, Kristin Flom
Level 4A students are earning High School credit for French 4 this academic year. They have no special
1st Place MN, 7th Place National** Edina High School, Kimberly Caster
2nd Place MN, 8th Place National** 2 students St. Paul Academy-Summit, Kristin Flom
Blake School, Silvana Dessi-Olive
3rd Place MN, 11th Place National * Edina High School, Kimberly Caster
4th Place MN * 3 students All Edina High School, Kimberly Caster
5th Place MN * 2 students Edina HS, Kimberly Caster Mounds Park Academy, Joan Shrum
8th Place MN Edina High School, Kimberly Caster
9th Place MN Benilde-St. Margarets, Sue Cipolle
10th Place MN Edina High School, Kimberly Caster
Division C students have studied for four semesters or more at a French-language school, or have lived in a French-speaking community for
three or more years, or are native-speakers of French, or are Foreign Exchange students, or have other advantageous background.
They are ranked the same as Division A students.
1st Place MN, 7 th Place National** Edina High School, Kimberly Caster
2nd Place MN, 8th Place National** 2 students St. Paul Academy-Summit, Kristin Flom
Blake School, Silvana Dessi-Olive
3rd Place MN, 11th Place National * Edina High School, Kimberly Caster
4th Place MN * 3 students All Edina High School, Kimberly Caster
5th Place MN * 2 students Edina HS, Kimberly Caster Mounds Park Academy, Joan Shrum
8th Place MN Edina High School, Kimberly Caster
9th Place MN Benilde-St. Margarets, Sue Cipolle
10th Place MN Edina High School, Kimberly Caster
Division C students have studied for four semesters or more at a French-language school, or have lived in a French-speaking community for
three or more years, or are native-speakers of French, or are Foreign Exchange students, or have other advantageous background.
They are ranked the same as Division A students.
1st Place MN* Armstrong High School, Pat Deckas-Becerra
2nd Place MN Highland Park High School, Kathleen Stoddart
Division D students are in Block or Modular scheduling and will earn credit for two levels of High School French in one year.
They must take the test at the higher level. They are ranked separately from Divisions A-B-C.
1st Place MN 2 students both Armstrong High School, Pat Deckas-Becerra
2nd Place MN Armstrong High School, Pat Deckas-Becerra
Division E students are in Block or Modular scheduling and have either completed their French block and are not currently receiving
instruction in French, or only began their French instruction with the 2nd semester. They are ranked separately from Divisions A-B-C.
1st Place MN, 7th Place National** Como Park Senior High School, Nancy Solo-Taylor
2nd Place MN, 9th Place National* Cooper High School, Kathleen Lahouze
3rd Place MN, 11th Place Natl* 2 students Visitation HS, Joan Brown Blake School, Michle Cassavante
4th Place MN * Blake School, Michle Cassavante
5th Place MN * 2 students Cooper HS, Kathleen Lahouze St. Paul Central HS, Mimi Jennings
6th Place MN * St. Paul Academy-Summit School, Patricia Teefy
7th Place MN * 3 students Visitation HS, J. Brown Intl. School of MN, R. Fraisse Breck School, M. Talle
8th Place MN 2 students Intl School of MN, R. Par Cooper HS, Kathleen Lahouze
9th Place MN 4 students Cooper HS, K. Lahouze Visitation HS, J. Brown
Como Pk Sr HS, N. Solo-Taylor Intl School of MN, R. Fraisse
10th Place MN 3 students Intl. School of MN, Roger Par Blake School, Michle Cassavante
Como Park Sr HS, Nancy Solo-Taylor
Level 5A students are earning High School credit this school year for French 5.
They have no special additional background in French.
1st Place MN, 2nd Place National** International School of MN, Roger Par
2nd Place MN, 4th Place National** Edina High School, Kimberly Caster
3rd Place MN, 6th Place National** Edina High School, Kimberly Caster
4th Place MN, 7th Place National** Edina High School, Kimberly Caster
5th Place MN, 8th Place National** 2 students both Edina High School, Kimberly Caster
6th Place MN, 9th Place National** Breck School, Margaret Talle
7th Place MN, 10th Place National* Edina High School, Kimberly Caster
8th Place MN, 11th Place National* Edina High School, Kimberly Caster
9th Place MN * 2 students Edina High School, Kimberly Caster
10th Place MN * 2 students Edina High School, Kimberly Caster
11th Place MN * 3 students Edina High School, Kimberly Caster
12th Place MN * 4 students 3 Edina HS, Kimberly Caster Breck School, Margaret Talle
13th Place MN * Blake School, Michle Cassavante
Division C students have studied for two or more years at a school where French was the language of instruction, or have
lived in a francophone community for 1 to 3 years, or have other advantageous background. Same ranks as Division A.
Level 5D
1st Place MN Highland Park High School, Kathleen Stoddart
Division 5D students are in Block or Modular scheduling and will earn credit for two levels of High School French
in one year. They must take the test at the higher level. Ranked separately from Divisions A-B-C.
1st Place MN Mounds Park Academy, Joan Shrum
2nd Place MN Mounds Park Academy, Joan Shrum
3rd Place MN Armstrong HS, Pat Deckas-Becerra
4th Place MN Highland Park HS, Kathleen Stoddart
5th Place MN Highland Park HS, Kathleen Stoddart
Division 5E students are in Block or Modular scheduling and have either completed their French block and are not currently receiving
instruction in French, or only began their French block with the 2nd semester. They are ranked separately from Divisions A-B-C.
FLES National Winners:
FLES Level 1A
6th Place National Mounds Park Academy, Joel Swanson
8th Place National Mounds Park Academy, Joel Swanson
9th Place National Mounds Park Academy, Joel Swanson
10th Place National Mounds Park Academy, Joel Swanson
11th Place National 7 students 6 Mounds Park Academy, Joel Swanson
1 International School of Minnesota, Sophie Perrin
Level 1A FLES students are in grades 1-3. Their Grand Concours exam includes both listening and a tape-recorded speaking section.
1st Place National Mounds Park Academy, Joel Swanson
2nd Place National Mounds Park Academy, Joel Swanson
3rd Place National 2 students both Mounds Park Academy, Joel Swanson
4th Place National 2 students both Mounds Park Academy, Joel Swanson
5th Place National Mounds Park Academy, Joel Swanson
6th Place National 4 students Intl. School of MN Mounds PK Acad Mounds PK Acad Intl School of MN
Elena Athwal Joel Swanson Joel Swanson Elena Athwal
7th Place National 4 students Mounds PK Acad Mounds PK Acad Mounds PK Acad Providence Academy
Joel Swanson Joel Swanson Joel Swanson Gail Woodbury
8th Place National 2 students both International School of Minnesota, Elena Athwal
9th Place National 2 students both Mounds Park Academy, Joel Swanson
10th Place National 4 students Mounds PK Acad Intl School of MN Intl School of MN Mounds PK Acad.
Joel Swanson Roger Par Elena Athwal Joel Swanson
11th Place National 2 students both International School of Minnesota, Elena Athwal
FLES Level 2A students are in grade 4, or are 5th and 6th graders who have just started French (or are in strictly oral programs).
Their Grand Concours exam includes listening and tape-recorded speaking.
2nd Place National International School of Minnesota, Pachao Vangay
6th Place National 2 students International School of Minnesota, Pachao Vangay
Mounds Park Academy, Joan Munzner
8th Place National International School of Minnesota, Pachao Vangay
9th Place National International School of Minnesota, Pachao Vangay
FLES Division 2B students are in grades 5 and 6 and have had several years of French study.
Their Grand Concours exam includes listening, structure, and a tape-recorded speaking section.
Northstar Ballroom, St. Paul Student Center
Mary Ellen Weller, Grand Concours
MN Chapter State Administrator
All entrants in the Grand Concours receive the Certificat de Mrite
Minnesota State Winners receive the Certificat dHonneur (bleu)
Ranks 1-11 National Winners receive the Certificat dHonneur-Laurat National
First Place National winners receive a Gold Medal and personal plaque
Second and Third Place National Winners receive a Silver Medal
Fourth Eleventh Place National Winners receive a Bronze Medal
French-English Dictionaries and other books are awarded by the National AATF to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place National Winners
AATF-Minnesota awards the Fraternit pin to all Minnesota students who placed at or above the 90th percentile.
Names of all Level 3, 4, and 5 contestants who scored 80% or above were placed in a drawing
for 2 Grand Prizes of $700 each toward a trip of the winners choice to any francophone country.
The drawing took place at the end of the program.
The special prize of a Langenscheidt Standard French Dictionary
was announced at the end of the ceremony.
Special Grand Concours 2003 Recognition Note
A Grand Prize Drawing was held at the end of the Distribution de Prix Brunch on May 22 As had been previously announced, all contestants in Levels 3, 4, and 5 who scored at least 80% were apart of the drawing.
The lists of Minnesota winners have been expanded to include all contestants who scored 80% or above, regardless of their rank. We have continued to honor the tradition of recognizing the top 10 ranks as well. The only exception is Divisions D and E where many fewer students compete. Division D and E students are recognized in the top 3 ranks, or meet a percentage cut-off score.
Special Thanks to the staff of Mesabi Range Community College for assistance with the publication
of the brunch booklet and the award certificates. Kim Johnson and Janet Hill were of invaluable help.
Thank you to MRCTC students Adam Lemieux, Amanda Aro, Paula Zozgornik, and JinHee Hart
for their help with the mailings.
A huge THANK YOU to Professor Betsy Kerr and the Department of French and Italian
of the University of Minnesota.
Thank you, above all, to all the teachers whose extra efforts make this contest
available to Minnesota students of French.
Un trs grand MERCI Mary Ellen Weller
MN Grand Concours, Coordinator since 2002
Page created: 1 May 2003 URL: http://webcampus3.stthomas.edu/mlwolsey/mnaatf/GCMN03.html
Last updated: 23 May 2003 Contact: