Le Grand Concours - Minnesota Chapter - 2002
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2002 Minnesota GC participating schools
1,197 Minnesota students participated
from 29 schools with 47 teachers
Level 01A 111
01B 35
Level 1A 102
1B 169
Level 2A 199
2B 15
2C 2
2E 1
Level 3A 192
3C 5
3D 1
3E 13
Level 4A 116
4C 19
4D 3
4E 3
Level 5A 65
5C 23
5E 9
FLES 114
59 National Winners in levels 01-5
37 National FLES Winners
229 State Winners (ranks 1-10)
Cooper HS, K. Lahouze had a 1st Place National winner, level 3A
International School of MN, R. Fraisse had a 1st Place National winner, level 5C
Both students are winners of the trip to Boston July 10-14
High score in MN a perfect 80/80---Cooper HS---- K. Lahouze
94,204 students enrolled in the 2002 Grand Concours
2002 Grand Concours Rankings for Schools and Teachers
MN Nat
Apple Valley HS Dominique Braud 1 1
Armstrong HS Pat Deckas-Becerra 5
Benilde-St. Margarets Isabelle Petiot 1
Breck School Pam Wesely 4 2
Margaret Talle 4
Buffalo HS Jennifer Johnson 1
Carl Sandburg MS Judy Vosepka 21 12
Centennial HS Scott Swedin 2
Central HS, Duluth Jeanne Kilburg 2
Como Park Senior HS Nancy Solo-Taylor 3 1
Suzanne Susens 1
Cooper HS Kari Christensen 4 2
Kathleen Lahouze 15 7
East HS, Duluth Kirsten Nisswandt 5 1
Edina HS Kimberly Caster 27 5
Harding HS Daniel Cornell 2 1
Highland Park HS Kathleen Stoddart 2
International School/MN Pachao Vangay 2 4 FLES
Raphael Fraisse 1 1
Sophie Perrin 5 1+3FLES
Elena Athwal 1
Marshall HS,Duluth Martha Firling 12 5
Marshall MS, Duluth Linda Herron 10 4
Minnehaha Academy Mark Norlander 6 3
Minnetonka HS Hilary Anthamatten 6
Beth Alto 6 1
Lynette Mayhew 11 2
Mounds Park Academy Joan Munzner 10 4+4 FLES
Joan Shrum 4 1
Kristin Ruud 26 FLES-National
Shattuck-St. Marys Amine Bekhechi 8 3
St. Paul Academy/Summit Kristin Flom 6 3
Patricia Teefy 1
St. Thomas Academy Maureen Peltier 1
Visitation HS Joan Brown 1
Karen Shimek 2
Highest number of Minnesota state winners per school:
Edina HS 27
Minnetonka HS 23
Carl Sandburg MS 21
Cooper HS 19
Mounds Pk Acad 14 (+ 30 FLES)
Marshall HS 12
Marshall MS 10
Highest number of participants in the Grand Concours:
International School of MN 9 (+ 7 FLES)
Minnetonka HS 251
International School/MN 98 (plus FLES)
Breck School 76
Edina HS 76
Visitation HS 69
MN GC 2002 awardees received:
59 National Winner Awards Levels 01-5:
2 gold medals (1st Place)
9 silver medals (2nd 4th)
48 bronze (5th-11th)
High Score in the State A PERFECT 80 ! Level 3A Cooper HS Kathy Lahouze
All entrants in the Grand Concours receive the Certificat de Mrite
Minnesota State Winners receive the Certificat dHonneur (bleu)
Ranks 1-11 National Winners receive the Certificat dHonneur-Laurat National
In Addition
First Place National Winners receive a Gold Medal and personal plaque
Second and Third Place National Winners receive a Silver Medal
Fourth Eleventh Place National Winners receive a Bronze Medal
French-English Dictionaries and other books are awarded by the National AATF to First-Third Place National Winners
AATF-Minnesota awards the Fraternit pin to all Minnesota students who placed at or above the 90th percentile.
There is a special prize of a Langenscheidt Standard French Dictionary.
The winner was announced at the Grand Concours Brunch ceremony.
AATF-Minnesota congratulates all the contestantss + their teachers and schools!
Special Thanks to the staff of Mesabi Range Community College for assistance with publication of the Brunch booklet and the award certificates.
Thank you to Anne Hiti and Shani Martin, MRCTC students, for assistance with the mailings.
Thank you to Kathleen Lahouze for the arrangements for the Awards Breakfast.
Thank you, above all, to all the teachers whose extra efforts make this contest available to Minnesota French students.
Et un trs Grand Merci
MaryEllen Weller, 2002 Minnesota Contest Administrator
Web page created 21 May 2002 URL: http://webcampus3.stthomas.edu/mlwolsey/mnaatf/gc2002final.htm
Last Updated: 22 May 2002