FLES Commission Poster Contest

Minnesota Chapter AATF 2012




The AATF National FLES Commission announced the 2012 Poster Contest for elementary

and middle school students of French in kindergarten through grade 8 in the

FRENCH BULLETIN - November, 2011

The National FLES* Commission 2012 Poster Contest is chaired by Karen Campbell Kuebler.

The theme for the 2012 contest :

"5 Continents, 55 pays: Voyagez avec les Francophones"

Selected rules:

Students enrolled in both public and private schools are eligible

The captions may be in French or English.

Grade categories are: K-1, 2-3, 4-6, 7-8.

The sponsoring teachers must be current members of AATF.

Entries will are limited to THREE PER CHAPTER FOR EACH CATEGORY.

The local chapters are asked to select the best posters to be judged on the applicability

to the theme, creativity, and effort

The first place winners in each category receive a cash prize

Winners in second and third place receive gifts and certificates.

Certificates of recognition are sent to all students.


[National awards TBA]

State of Minnesota Winners

in the National FLES 2012 Poster Contest

Bravo to these 4 grade students of Ilse Norris

Convent of the Visitation School-Mendota Heights, MN

[ the only school participating ]

T. Aldritt - MN AATF State Winner

C. Baillon MN AATF State Winner

A. Yosef MN AATF State Winner


Visitation 4th grade

Minnesota State Honorable Mention

R. Droel J. Folkman

K. Miller M. Schlehuber

G. Van Guilder


poster photography by Peter B. Graham (5th grade)



2012 FLES Commission MN Poster Contest webpage created 15 March 2012 GC12FLESPosters.htm