A Vous la Parole
Minnesota statewide oral French contest
founded by Michel Monnot and sponsored annually by the MN-AATF
April 20th, 2010
9:00 am - 1:30 pm
University of Minnesota
Coffman Union
logo created by Chandler Larson, Lakeville North HS
(used for program cover, temporary tatoos, and tee-shirt)
Participating Schools
BRAVO to the students and their Profs!
Academy of Holy Angels (22)
Apollo High School (9)
Benilde-St. Margarets (93)
Bloomington Kennedy High School (22)
Breck School (72)
Central High School St.Paul (75)
Chaska High School (15)
Chanhassen High School (4)
Como Park Senior High School (32)
Cooper High School (22)
Harding High School (50)
Highland Park Senior High School (27)
Hopkins High School (22)
International School of Minnesota (24)
Lake Country School (84)
Lakeville North High School (33)
Lakeville South High School (5)
Mes Amis French School (6)
Minnehaha Academy (11)
Northfield High School (62)
Prior Lake High School (9)
Rochester John Marshall High School (72)
Rochester Mayo High School (54)
Rochester Century High School (50)
St. Paul Academy & Summit School (73)
Stillwater Area High School (51)
(total number of entries in parentheses)
Registration 8:30-9:00 in the Great Hall foyer
Judges Meeting 8:15-9:00 in room 333
Opening Ceremony 9:00-9:20 in the Great Hall
Performances 9:30-1:00 Coffman Union 3rd Floor
with 2 exceptions
in locations as listed below:
Room Description/Category
303B Prose & Poetry; Conversation (1-3; 22)
303A Prose & Poetry (4)
302 Prose & Poetry (5)
301 Prose & Poetry (6; 1-3)
324 Prose & Poetry (7 & 8)
Theater on 1st Beg. & Adv. Theater (9 &11)
Pres. (332) Int. & Adv. Theater (10 & 11)
323 Adv. Theater & Beg. Solos (11 & 13)
325 Beg. Solos (13)
Board (307) Beg. Small Group Song (14)
Great Hall on main Beg. Large Group Song (15)
Miss. (321) Adv. Song Categories (16, 17 & 18)
303C Beg. & Inter. Reading (19 & 20)
305 Adv. Reading (21)
304 prep. room for categories 19-22
319 certificate/awards prep room
326 DVD entry viewing; equipment room
333 judges' room (meeting and breaks)
Miss. Lounge open space
**** excellent (bleu) medal on blue ribbon
*** tres bien (rouge) medal on red ribbon
** bien (blanc) medal on white ribbon
* assez bien certificate of participation
* * * * * * *
2010 AVLP: 997 student contestant total entries,
981 of them meriting medals:
528 blue 335 red 118 white
Teachers awaiting and then collecting bags of their students' medal awards & certificates
Awards prep room - contest coordinators and busy Central HS St Paul preparers!
Student contestant groups preparing to perform
A group of Connie Larson's Rochester John Marshall students with their medals and certificates
to the AVLP 2010 Committee
Clare Hagen*, coordinator, scheduling & awards
Betsy Kerr, judges & on-site
Annie Muske, theme & t-shirts
Frederique Schmidt, opening ceremony
* After 14 years of excellence in contest coordination, Clare is retiring this year. The Minnesota chapter of the American Association of Teachers of French owes her a huge debt of gratitude.
Bravo Clare Hagen!
for many years of excellent coordination of the AVLP concours.
to the AVLP 2010 Judges
Ruth Aaskov Virginie Marcy
Laura Sbarra Anderson Kimerly Miller
Pat Deckas Becerra Sharon Nichols
Lydia Belateche Vaara Ostrin
Gaelle Berg Kathy Reynaud
Walter Blue Nathalie Sacha
Christina Bouzouina Joan Shrum
Kathy Chapuran Edward Stafford
Anca Coleman Kathy Stoddart
Kate Droske Anna Tahinci
Eugene Edie Jerry Tarmann
Courtney Faragher Erica Tesdell
Mary Feeney Corbin Treacy
Francois Fouquerel Annette Thunnissen
Nelly T. Hewett Sara Wellman
Holly Kuisle Trina Whitaker
Stephanie Lohse Mary Lou Wolsey
Judges training session
Judges Coordinator, Prof. Betsy Kerr (U of Mn TC)
Shows the AVLP 2010 tee-shirt
"Qui se ressemble, s'assemble!"
Special thanks to -
Minnesota A.A.T.F., Lydia Belateche (president)
U of M Department of French and Italian
Chandler Larson from Lakeville North (logo design)
St. Paul Central French students (award preparers)
Melissa Larson
AVLP program booklet editied & reformatted as http;//mnaatf.org/A36.htm 22 avril, 2010 last updated 11 juin 2010