Mn Chapter, AATF - A Vous la Parole, Oral French Contest
Thursday, April 21, 2005

Great Hall and 3rd Floor, Coffman Memorial Union
University of Minnesota - Twin Cities Campus

Quelques photos
fournies par notre Vice-Pr?sidente, Patricia Mougel et par Clare Hagen et son ?quipe

Prof. Dan Brewer, Chair- U of MN Dept. of French and Italian
Delivers greetings on behalf of the University to nearly 1000 gathered contestants

Clare Hagen, Contest Coordinator with Co-Presidents, Michele Cassavante and Mary Ellen Kasak-Saxler

The Normandale Chorale (over 100 K-6 French Immersion Students)
Directed by Evelyn Emerson, Performing at the Opening Ceremony

Students awaiting their turns to "perform"

Advanced Theater group from Hopkins H.S. , Molly Wieland, teacher
- performed a scene from Anouilh's Bal des Voleurs

A "trio" of contestants

Stillwater Senior H.S. Advanced Song group - M.E. Kasak-Saxler, teacher
those wearing Mar?chal, nous voil?! t-shirts won a rating of "excellent"

A group of enthusiastic contestants!

Prof. Betsy Kerr, U of MN Dept. of Fren&Ital at the Judges Orientation Session

Clare Hagen and 2 of her GREAT team of helpers in Room 319 preparing awards

Please send us information about student schools!

AVLP 05 Info for Teachers
AVLP 04 Re-visited

For information about A Vous la Parole, contact:

MnAATF website URL -
created: April 24, 2005 ????????????????????????????????last updated: 6 May, 2005